Welcome to the Lakes of Muirfield Website!
Welcome to the Lakes of Muirfield Website!

We would like to thank everyone for their patience while we worked hard at getting together this website. We welcome you to explore the website, where you will find access to information in a timely manner when you need it!

Our goal is to ensure our residents, our neighbors, our fellow community members are in the know with the on goings at the Lakes of Muirfield! If you need access to events, community bylaws, information on service providers, we want one place where you, as a resident, can find this information. We also hope to provide basic information to our future neighbors who are actively looking for information on our beautiful community.

Please explore, but keep in mind that we will be updating more information in the coming weeks, and there will be updates to the member portals frequently to output memo’s, notices, documents.

Your HOA