June 2022 Resident Reminder
June 2022 Resident Reminder

To Lakes of Muirfield Residents:

A reminder: In the past during the winter months, the owners of the golf course (Dave and Carly), have graciously allowed residents to walk dogs or cross country ski on the course.  They offered this privilege if the ground was frozen, we stayed off the greens, out of the bunkers and cleaned up after our pets. 

During the summer months, the rules change as the course is now open for business. No one is allowed on the course unless they have paid to golf. 

In the last month, there have been a couple of incidents of residents and/or their guests trespassing on the golf course after hours and acting in an irresponsible manner.  Please remember; the golf course is private property which is owned by a neighbor, and like any neighbor's yard, we should all respect that property and its boundaries. 

During daylight hours the use of golf course property is strictly for those who have paid a green fee to golf and after hours no one should be on the course. Please keep in mind, anything found on the course, including empty beverage containers, tee markers, yardage markers, rakes and the flags on the greens all belong to the golf course and to remove them is stealing and trespassing

Your cooperation is appreciated, thank you.


Lakes of Muirfield HOA and Muirfield Lakes Golf Club