November '22 Winter Reminder
November '22 Winter Reminder

Lakes of Muirfield Homeowners Association

November ‘22 Resident Reminders

Its that time of year again, hohoho!!


Sidewalks must be cleared of snow within 48 hours of ice or snow being deposited (Section 3.8 of 2021-8 Nuisance and Unsightly Property Bylaw - Wheatland County). This goes for builders as well as residents.

Do not clear snow from driveways and sidewalks onto the roads. County snowplows will just plow it back onto the sidewalk or block the drive in the normal course of snow clearing or if they cannot pass will fine the offending homeowner (Section 3.14).

According to our Architectural Controls (Section 12.3 Vehicles and Parking) utility trailers are only allowed to be parked on a construction site and only for the time of construction. One very good reason for this is when the snow flies and plows run up and down the streets trying to clear, vehicles that are parked on the road because there is a trailer on a driveway will obstruct the plows and constrict traffic flow. Please do not park trailers on the street or in the driveway.

Backyards and side/front yards should be kept clean of pet refuse. We do enjoy the occasional chinook and sometimes it gets warm enough to melt both snow and thaw pet waste, which is not easy on the senses. Be respectful of your neighbors.

Same holds true for common areas along community sidewalks.  Feces in the snow should be bagged and deposited in the convenient pet refuse stations and not left behind because it is out of sight beneath the snow.


Lakes of Muirfield HOA Board of Directors