2022 Christmas Light Contest - Sponsored by The Recreation Society
2022 Christmas Light Contest - Sponsored by The Recreation Society

The Muirfield Lakes Recreational Society hopes everyone had a good Christmas and would like to extend a message of “Health, Happiness and Prosperity” in the coming New Year.

We would also like to congratulate the THREE TOP WINNERS of the 2022 Muirfield Lakes and Area Christmas contest.  The judges went out on to view decorated homes on December 23rd and would like to thank all the homes that had lights and decorations up for Christmas.  

The TOP THREE winners are:

1st Place – 690 Muirfield CrescentThis is a must see with abundance of lights and Christmas figures in the front with a string of lights joining the back yard and the deck.

2nd Place- 44 Muirfield Close - The theme of Christmas was represented by homemade festive figures brought together with lit garlands.

3rd Place- 46 Muirfield Blvd - This display had various Christmas figures and Santa Claus displayed under a huge lit up tree.

Trophy for first place provided by Heather Dougall.

Muirfield Lakes Recreational Society

Darlene Naclia

For Kim Schneider, President



