Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

To: All Residents, Builders, Lot Owners, of The Lakes of Muirfield

As 2022 winds down into the holiday season and 2023 fast approaches, the Directors of the Lakes of Muirfield Homeowners’ Association want to wish the very best from our families to each and every family in our wonderful community.

This past year was an exciting time for the Lakes of Muirfield with the successful completion of our efforts to terminate the (3) condominium corporations and become a standard subdivision. As mentioned during our September AGM, we could not have done it without the help and support of Wheatland County, and we look forward to continuing our partnership long into the future.

Just a quick note on the promised updated titles: we will be setting aside an evening in the third week of January to make them available and will inform everyone of the location, date and time early in the New Year.

Since the AGM, with that major assignment completed, your Board has been busy working on a number of tasks, and if you want to get an idea of our many projects, just check out the monthly meeting minutes available online both on our website: (email if you have not registered yet) and the TownSQ App available through our Property Manager, C-Era. Just email our Community Manager, Meranda Gray at and she’ll be happy to help you out if you do not already have App access.

We expect to have some exciting news early in the New Year as a result of our efforts.  We realize folks are busy this time of year, so we’ll keep this brief, but lastly, we want to thank all residents for their support this year, and especially shout out to the members of our sub-committees who have been working behind the scenes to make this the best of communities.

Wishing you a safe and happy holiday season, and a prosperous New Year!

Lakes of Muirfield Homeowners’ Association Board of Directors,

Nik Allonby             Pete Breadmore                 Greg Hallett

Dave Hergenhein  Mike Hiebert                       Dave Kersey

Ryan Kinsey           Jill Klemick                          Colin Lockert

Tom Morse            Ashleigh Sherrer