April 2023 Update
April 2023 Update

Friday April 21st, 2023

To All Lakes of Muirfield ResidentsLyalta and Muirfield Update

We hope you have undoubtedly seen the many advertisements on Facebook and TownSQ for an evening of music with Canadian singer-songwriter, Shane Cloutier, scheduled for next Friday April 28th at the Lyalta Community Club Hall with doors opening at 6:30 pm.  (Ticket Link provided here)

Your Lakes of Muirfield Homeowners’ Association urges everyone in the community to come out and enjoy a very entertaining night out with friends and family.  Your support is greatly appreciated as this is just the first of what we hope will be many such events at this wonderful facility.

As reported last month, and as part of your Homeowners’ Association Board’s commitment to expand and improve the amenities for the residents of Lakes of Muirfield, we recently purchased annual memberships in the Lyalta Community Club for each and every resident of LOM with no increase to your HOA fees.  The Hall is there for all residents in Lakes of Muirfield, other LCC members in Lyalta, and the surrounding area to enjoy.  Proceeds from every event contribute to the building’s upkeep and future expanded amenities.

Let’s have a great turn out and make this first event a rousing success!

More exciting news:

Recently, by order in Wheatland County Council, the Lyalta hamlet boundaries were expanded to include the Lakes of Muirfield and the Lyalta Community Club Hall and its associated grounds.

This now provides our expanded community with access to grants and Provincial funds that were previously inaccessible. This paves the way to work closely with both Wheatland County and the LCC to expand amenities for residents of Lakes of Muirfield, Lyalta and the surrounding area.

Part of those amenities will be a paved walking path along the north side of the canal that will end up at the Hall.  Completion will be dependent on successful tender availability, but we are hoping for construction to start this summer.  In addition, while we urge RV owners to not cancel their current storage contracts quite yet, we are expecting good news on the RV Lot front within a few short (we hope) months.

Wheatland County is hoping for a tentative Street Sweeping date of May 8th.  As we get closer to a solidified date, Wheatland County will be putting out signage in the community and posting on their Facebook account and Website.  Following the street sweeping the County will also start repairs on our roadways.

One of these days, the snow will finally stop, and we will actually have Spring.  With any luck before Summer gets here.  Either way, best to all, and we look forward to seeing our neighbours enjoying fine weather in their yards and walking the streets in Muirfield very soon!


Lakes of Muirfield Home Owners Association